Positions, demands, opinions of the Chamber of Digital Economy

Positions and legislative demands of the Chamber of Digital Economy (e-Chamber), which we forwarded to the Prime Minister, Ministries and the European Commission.

The e-Chamber Book: Bridging the Legislative Barriers

The e-Chamber Book: Bridging the Legislative Barriers to the Digital Economy 2023

The study was prepared by legislative coordinators of the e-Isba and business consultants from companies affiliated with the Chamber of Digital Economy. The study was prepared by legislative coordinators of the e-Isba and business consultants from companies affiliated with the Chamber of Digital Economy.

The e-Chamber Book: Bridging the Legislative Barriers to the Digital Economy 2022

The study was prepared by legislative coordinators of the e-Isba and business consultants from companies affiliated with the Chamber of Digital Economy. The study was prepared by legislative coordinators of the e-Isba and business consultants from companies affiliated with the Chamber of Digital Economy.

The e-Chamber Book: Bridging the Legislative Barriers to the Digital Economy 2021

The study was prepared by legislative coordinators of the e-Isba and business consultants from companies affiliated with the Chamber of Digital Economy. The study was prepared by legislative coordinators of the e-Isba and business consultants from companies affiliated with the Chamber of Digital Economy.

The e-Chamber Book: Bridging the Legislative Barriers to the Digital Economy 2020
The study was prepared by legislative coordinators of the e-Isba and business consultants from Chamber member companies. The study was prepared by legislative coordinators of the e-Isba and business consultants from companies affiliated with the Chamber of Digital Economy.

Responses by e-Chamber

Letter from e-Isba to the Director of the Department of International Cooperation at the Ministry of Digitization regarding. Proposal for legislative changes Digital Poland Change Package 2024 of 16.05.2024
E-Chamber’s response to the letter from the Ministry of Digitization dated dn. 13.05.2024
Letter from e-Chamber to Finance Minister Andrzej Domanski thanking him for taking action, dated 06.05.2024
Letter from e-Chamber to Deputy Finance Minister Jaroslaw Neneman regarding. Consultation of draft legal solutions for mandatory KSeF of dn. 23.04.2024
Comments of the Chamber of Digital Economy to the draft of the Ministry of Development and Technology “Directions for the Development of Foreign Expansion” dated dn. 15.04.2024
Response of the Chamber of Digital Economy to the letter of Tomasz Chróstny, President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection, dated dn. 14.03.2024
Letter from the e-Isba to the Minister of Digitization with an appeal to take urgent action to ensure the protection of consumer rights and a level legal framework for competition dated dn. 26.03.2024
Letter to the President of the OCCP requesting action to ensure a level competitive framework for Polish and non-European entrepreneurs dated dn. 29.02.2024
Letter from e-Chamber to Finance Minister Andrzej Domanski Regarding. Public consultation on the mandatory National e-Invoicing System_08.02.2024
Letter from e-Chamber to Minister of Development and Technology Krzysztof Hetman regarding. Polish export strategy of dn. 01.02.2024
The most important changes resulting from the Omnibus Directive – One Pager for the e-entrepreneur
Promotions in e-commerce – what to pay attention to? – One Pager for the consumer
Response of the Chamber of Digital Economy to the letter of Olga Semeniuk, Secretary of State, Ministry of Development and Technology
Response of the Chamber of Digital Economy to the letter of Pawel Selera, Director of the Department of Goods and Services Tax, regarding. equal competitive framework for Polish, European and non-EU entrepreneurs
Response of the Chamber of Digital Economy to the letter of Minister Wanda Buk regarding. work on new electronic communications regulations
Response of the Chamber of Digital Economy regarding Digital Package for the Ministry of Finance
Letter to Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.

E-Chamber posts

Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy on the draft law on amendments to certain laws to deregulate economic and administrative law and improve the rules for the development of economic law of dn. 07.05.2024
Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy on the draft law on amendments to the Law on Provision of Electronic Services dated dn. 1.04.2024
Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy to the draft law on amendments to certain laws to ensure the application of EU regulations improving the functioning of the internal market
Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy on the assumptions of the draft law on amendments to the law on provision of services by electronic means and some other laws implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/2065 of the European Parliament and of the Council of October 19, 2022. On the single market for digital services and amending Directive 2000/31/EC (Digital Services Act)
Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy on Payment_Services_Regulation_of. 08.12.2023
Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy on the draft Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the repeal of Regulation (EU) No. 524_2013 and amendment of Regulations (EU) 201 dated. 13.11.2023
Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy on the draft templates for DPI-FR and DPI-IS logical structures, dedicated to platform operators that enter into agreements with vendors to provide them with a platform or a part of it (No. UC 136) of dn. 11.07.2023
The position of the Chamber of Digital Economy to the proposal on. Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the substantiation and communication of explicit environmental claims (Environmental Claims Directive) – COM(2023) 166, dated. 07.07.2023
Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy to the EC Communiqué of dn. 04.07.2023 r. in. customs reform – taking the customs union to the next level
Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy on the bill dated 11/05/2023. On amending the law on exchange of tax information with other countries and some other laws (UC No. 136)
Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy on the draft Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on packaging and packaging waste, amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 and Directive (EU) 2019/904 and repealing Directive 94/62/EC
Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy on the bill dated 2.01.2023. On Amendments to the Law on Exchange of Tax Information with Other Countries and Certain Other Laws (No. UC 136) – 02.03.2023.
Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy to the legislative package of the European Commission COM(2022) 701 and COM(2022) 704 – “VAT in the Digital Age” – “ViDA package” – 14.02.2023
Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy on the draft law on amendments to certain laws in connection with the prevention of identity theft list number UD472
Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy on the project dated 30/11/2022. Law on Amendments to the Law on Value Added Tax (VAT) and Certain Other Laws (No. UD 468) – “KSeF project”.
Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy to the draft law on combating abuse of electronic communications list number UD402
Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy to the draft law dated 27.10.2022 on amendments to the Law on Consumer Rights and some other laws
Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy on the draft law amending the law on liability of collective entities for acts prohibited under penalty
Good practices in public consultation
Digital Poland Change package 2022
Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy in the framework of the pre-consultation of assumptions on reporting obligations of digital platform operators in the European Union – July 21, 2022.
Supplementary position of the Chamber of Digital Economy to the draft law on amendments to the Law on Consumer Rights and some other laws number from the list UC86 – June 20, 2022.
Position of the e-Chamber VAT in the digital age – comments in the public consultation (13.05.2022)
Position of e-Chamber to the draft law of 28.03.2022 on amendments to the Law on Consumer Rights and some other laws (06.05.2022)
Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy to the Law on Assistance to Citizens of Ukraine in Connection with the Armed Conflict on the Territory of that State (18.03.2022)
Position on Digital Market Act of 10.08.2021
Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy to the bill on special solutions for the protection of life and health of citizens during the epidemic COVID-19 – Parliamentary print 1981 – 01.02.2022
Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy on the draft law on amendments to certain laws to prevent usury – list number UD286 – together with a cover letter to the Committee on Public Finance
Position and comments of the Chamber of Digital Economy to the draft of 26.07.2021 of the Law on Amendments to the Law on Personal Income Tax, the Law on Corporate Income Tax and Certain Other Laws – within the framework of the “Polish Order” program, dated 28.10.2021.
Opinion of the Chamber of Digital Economy to the draft law dated 26.07.2021

Opinion of the Chamber of Digital Economy to the draft dated 26.07.2021 of the Law on Amendments to the Law on Personal Income Tax, the Law on Corporate Income Tax and Certain Other Laws – under the “Polish Order” program

Letter from the e-Chamber on Polish Governance, dated 16.07.2021.
Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy to the draft law dated 24.06.2021 on amendments to the Law on Consumer Rights and some other laws – 30.07.2021
Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy on the draft laws: Electronic Communications Law and Introductory Provisions of the Law – Electronic Communications Law regarding consents for marketing communications dated March 2, 2021.
Comments by members of the Chamber of Digital Economy on the draft law on amendments to the Law on Competition and Consumer Protection dated February 5, 2021.
Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy on the draft law on amendments to the Law on Competition and Consumer Protection dated January 28, 2021.
Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy to the draft of 22.10.2020 of the Law on Amendments to the Law on Tax on Goods and Services and Some Other Laws – 27.04.2021
Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy on the draft of October 22, 2020, of the Act on amending the Value Added Tax Act and certain other acts
Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy to the draft of 22.10.2020 of the Law on Amendments to the Law on Tax on Goods and Services and Some Other Laws – 26.11.2020
Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy to the Law on Amendments to the Law on Value Added Tax and the Law – 21.09.2020
Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy on the equal competitive framework for European and Asian e-entrepreneurs
The position of the Chamber of Digital Econony on Art. 6 – 8 of the draft e-Privacy regulation as proposed by the Croatian Presidency – 28.02.2020
Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy on the transition period for the implementation of strong authentication – 20.08.2019
Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy on Article 18 Paragraph 4 of the e.m.d.e. – 26.07.2019
Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy on the government’s bill on amendments to certain laws to reduce regulatory burdens – 15.07.2019
Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy on the draft law on amendments to certain laws in connection with ensuring the application of Regulation 2016/679 – 09.01.2019
Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy – Project No. UD277._2018
Response from the Chamber of Digital Economy to the Ministry of Digitization as part of the consultation on the European Commission’s Recommendations to fight illegal content on the Internet
Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy on the draft law on amendments to the Act – Industrial Property Law
Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy on the draft regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council ?on promoting fairness and transparency in online intermediated trade?
Position of the e-Chamber on the criteria and technical conditions that cash registers must meet
Position of the e-Chamber on the draft law on personal data protection and the law introducing the law on personal data protection
Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy on the draft amendments to the laws on CIT and PIT 12.10.2017
Position of the e-Chamber in the framework of the consultation of the draft CSIOZ
Comments of the Chamber of Digital Economy on the draft law on personal data protection 05.07.2017
Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy on the parliamentary bill on the uniform price of books
Position of the Chamber of Digital Economy on the draft law on tax on goods and services and some other laws – draft of the Ministry of Development and Finance dated May 12, 2017.
The e-Chamber’s position on. Self-corrections to the civic bill on restriction of trade on Sundays – parliamentary print 870
The e-Chamber’s position on geographic blocking
Position of the e-Chamber on the civic bill on restriction of trade on Sundays – parliamentary print 870, 12.10.2016.
Position (preliminary) on the inclusion of the e-commerce industry in the scope of the subjective regulation of a new form of taxation of trade and service activities (Ref.: S/LEG/PL/2016002) January 14, 2016
Position on the parliamentary bill to amend the Law on Police and some other laws (print No. 154) on the web. (Ref: S/LEG/PL/2016001) January 08, 2016
Position to the parliamentary draft of the Law on the processing of complaints by financial market entities and the Financial Ombudsman – June 22, 2015

e-Chamber’s demands

Letter from the e-Chamber to the Ministry of Finance regarding. VAT in the Digital Age
Chamber of Digital Economy’s appeal to postpone the entry into force of the Polish Order
Letter from e-Chamber to Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and Jaroslaw Gowin, Deputy Prime Minister, regarding. Polish Order.pdf
The demands of the affiliated companies on. The bulk customs declaration mechanism for shipments marked as non-commercial gifts
Further demands of the Chamber of Digital Economy
First demands of the Chamber of Digital Economy regarding the coronavirus crisis
Letter to Tadeusz Koscinski regarding split payment
“Equal opportunities for the digital single market” manifesto 01.2019
Postulate to MasterCard regarding merchant turnover limit in Payment Facilitator model – November 10, 2015
Responses to consultation questions on PSD 2, Institute for Market Economy Research, 07.10.2016.

Legislative opinions of the e-Chamber

Legislative support for consumer protection in product safety
e-Chamber proposal on Amendments to the regulations governing access to the Register of Personal Identity Cards
Letter to MPiT regarding split payment_21.06.2019
Opinion of the Chamber of Digital Economy to the draft Regulation of the Minister of Finance of November 5, 2018 on cash registers
Opinion on digital tax 2018
Legislative opinion of the e-Chamber on the Draft Law on Trust Services, Electronic Identification and Amendments to Certain Laws (UC58) [Ref: O/PL/001/16].
Suggestions of the Chamber of Digital Economy on the draft Position of the Republic of Poland on the Draft Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on geoblocking [Ref: O/PL/002/16].

Reviews by e-Chamber experts

Opinion of Lubasz and Wspólnicy Kancelaria Radców Prawnych on the compatibility of the draft law on books with the Constitution of the Republic of Poland (parliamentary print 3477)
Opinion of the law firm Chabasiewicz Kowalska and Partners Radcowie Prawni on the draft article. 77 of the General Data Protection Regulation “RODO”
New Technology for Omnicommerce – RODO clause

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